Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Give every 4-6 hours, as needed, and not more than five times in 24 hours unless directed by a health care professional.

**Doses below for infants are based on the NEW concentration for infant oral suspension, effective Fall 2011

WeightAgeDose (mg)


5ml = 160mg


1 tsp (5mL) = 160mg

Children's Tablets

1 tablet = 80 mg

Junior Strength

1 tablet = 160mg

6-11 lbs0-3 months40 mg1.25 mLOnly give if directed by health care professional!
12-17 lbs4-11 months80 mg 2.5 mL1/2 teaspoon  
18-23 lbs12-23 months120 mg3.75 mL3/4 teaspoon  
24-35 lbs2-3 years160 mg5 mL1 teaspoon 2 tablets 
36-47 lbs4-5 years240 mg 1 1/2 teaspoon3 tablets 
48-59 lbs6-8 years320 mg 2 teaspoons4 tablets2 tablets
60-71 lbs9-10 years400 mg 2 1/2 teaspoons5 tablets2.5 tablets
72-95 lbs11 years480 mg 3 teaspoons6 tablets3 tablets
95+ lbs12+ years Give Adult Dose


Ibuprofren (Advil or Motrin)

Give every 6-8 hours, as needed, and not more than four times in 24 hours unless directed by a health care professional

WeightAgeDose (mg)

Infant Drops

1.25mL = 50mg

Children's Liquid 
or Suspension

50mL = 100mg

Children's Tablets

1 tablet = 50mg

Junior Strength

1 tablet = 100mg

Under 11 lbsUnder 6 monthsDo not use!!
12-17 lbs6-11 months50mg1.25 mL1/2 teaspoon  
18-23 lbs12-23 months75mg1.876 mL3/4 teaspoon  
24-35 lbs2-3 years100mg 1 teaspoon2 tablets 
 36-47 lbs4-5 years150mg 1 1/2 teaspoons3 tablets 
 48-59 lbs6-8 years200mg 2 teaspoons4 tablets2 tablets
 60-71 lbs9-10 years250mg 2 1/2 teaspoons5 tablets2.5 tablets
72-95 lbs11 years300mg 3 teaspoons6 tablets3 tablets
>95 lbs12+ yearsGive Adult Dose

*Please remember to only use the measuring device that comes specifically with the medication you are giving!!