Gun violence is the leading cause of death in children in the United States of America. This sobering statistic is one that we, as a pediatric practice, cannot ignore.
Pediatrics at Newton-Wellesley stands with the American Academy of Pediatrics and their position on gun violence prevention, including the regulation of firearms and a ban on assault weapons. We believe it is best to NOT have a gun in the home. If there is a firearm in the home, we encourage you to secure it in a lockbox with no access given to children or individuals outside of the home. Better regulation and secure storage of firearms will lower the incidence of these tragic events, both accidental and intentional.
For more information on firearm safety, please visit the American Academy of Pediatrics’ website.
If you are in immediate danger or are worried for your safety or your child’s safety, call 911. If you have general concerns about your child’s mental health or behavior but are not worried for your/their immediate safety, call your pediatrician for guidance.
As always, please know that we are here for you and your children as we navigate this public health crisis.